Sina Finance

The overall performance of warrants is better than that of stocks 15:39, April 2, 2008 China Securities Network

China Securities News Today, the index of the two cities rebounded sharply and fell back again, but the performance of the warrant plate was stronger than that of stocks. The 14 warrants rose 7 times and fell 7 times. Shanghong CWB1, Shenzhen Development SFC2 and Rizhao CWB1 rose 7.30%, 4.84% and 4.55% respectively, ranking the top three in terms of increase. The only other warrants that rose less than 1% were Jiangxi Guangdong CWB1. The decline of warrants did not exceed 2%. WISCO CWB1 saw the largest decline, with a decline of 1.92%. There were five warrants with a decline of less than 1%.

Analysts pointed out that at present, warrants are basically those corresponding to large cap stocks and blue chip stocks. When the weight stocks in the stock market perform better, it is normal for warrants to perform better today. It is suggested that investors should pay attention to the trend of positive stocks. If there are strong stocks, they can consider using leverage effect to participate in the speculation of corresponding warrants.

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