Sina Finance

Put warrant dropped sharply after roller coaster 15:27, January 29, 2008 China Securities Network

China Securities News Although China Southern Airlines JTP1 once rose by more than 40% in the morning, the nature of speculation was fully exposed in the afternoon, and China Southern Airlines JTP1 fell by 13.32% in the end, Valin JTP1 In the whole day, there were only three short-term transactions, and the end market closed down 10.70%, while Wuliang YGP1 It was also hard to escape the fate of falling, and finally fell 12.33%.

The subscription certificates all rose, and the biggest increase was SAIC CWB1 , up 8.44%, and Wuliang YCC, the smallest gainer, also rose 1.32%.

Analysts pointed out that today's performance of the put warrant once again demonstrated the nature of speculation, suggesting investors not to participate. Once they do not grasp it well, they may suffer heavy losses.

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