Sina Finance

Put warrants play roller coaster 15:36, January 17, 2008 China Securities Network

Today, the market fell by 250 points at one time. With the decline process, the put warrants once rose sharply. However, with the recovery of the stock index in the afternoon, the put warrants were returned to their original shape, and the price trend was like a roller coaster. Among them, China Southern Airlines JTP1 once rose by more than 5% and fell by 5.22% at the closing, Wuliang YGP1 once rose by more than 2% and fell by 5.88% in the final trading, while Valin JTP1 only turned slightly red and fell by 12.08% at the closing. In the afternoon, the decline of subscription certificates narrowed significantly, and SAIC CWB1 also rose 5.83%.

The analysis points out that the put certificate has lost its original "sudden wealth" color, and may show its performance when the market plummets, but the funds are only tentative speculation. Once it finds that the momentum is wrong or there is little gain, it will quickly flee. It is recommended that investors should touch less.

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