Sina Finance

Warrants only slightly increased in Yunhua CWB1 15:47, January 16, 2008 China Securities Network

China Securities News Today's sharp fall in the main board market continued to drag down warrants. At the closing, only Cloudchem CWB1 rose slightly by 1.22%, and its positive shares also rose slightly, which played a certain role in supporting warrants. Although there were as many as 12 warrants falling, the biggest decline was smaller than yesterday, and Shenzhen Development SFC1 fell 7.19%, ranking the first. Steel Vanadium GFC1, SAIC CWB1 and WISCO CWB1 all dropped by more than 6%.

The analysis points out that the performance of warrants has been poor recently. In the case of a significant decline in the market, there is little opportunity for subscription warrants, and there is little capital concern for put warrants in the near future. It is also advisable to be cautious.

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