Finance and Economics

CBRC Issued Six Detailed Rules for Rural Financial Institutions 07:18, January 30, 2007 Securities Daily

□ Our reporter Lei Yang

In order to do a good job in the pilot work of adjusting and relaxing the access policies of rural banking financial institutions, the CBRC yesterday released six administrative licensing and regulatory rules for new rural banking financial institutions, including the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Rural Banks, the Guidelines on the Examination and Approval of the Establishment of Rural Banks, the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Loan Companies The Guidelines for the Examination and Approval of the Establishment of Loan Companies, the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Rural Mutual Fund Cooperatives, the Guidelines for the Examination and Approval of the Establishment of Rural Mutual Fund Cooperatives, etc. regulate the establishment and withdrawal, organizational structure, corporate governance and business behavior of rural banks, loan companies, and rural mutual fund cooperatives, and standardize their establishment and approval procedures.

The Interim Provisions on the Administration of Rural Banks pointed out that, from now on, with the approval of the banking regulatory branch or the local banking regulatory bureau, rural banks can operate the following businesses: absorbing public deposits; Issue short-term, medium-term and long-term loans; Handling domestic settlement; Handle bill acceptance and discount; Interbank lending; be engaged in

bank card Business; Issuing, cashing and underwriting government bonds as an agent; In accordance with relevant national regulations, village banks such as agent collection and payment and agent insurance business can act as agents for policy banks, commercial banks and insurance companies
negotiable securities
Business of companies and other financial institutions.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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