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 Finance and Economics

More than 10 new shares to be listed in Hong Kong in the first quarter

http://www.sina.com.cn 12:06, January 19, 2007 Securities Daily

□ Our reporter Mao Fang

The IPO boom, which has been silent for nearly a month, will reappear in Hong Kong. According to statistics, more than 10 new shares are planned to be listed in Hong Kong in the first quarter, and the scale of capital raising may exceed HK $40 billion.

Next week, there will be three new shares, including Hong Kong funded Meiwei Group, and Wuyi Pharmaceutical and Fufeng, a monosodium glutamate producer. The total amount of capital raised by the three enterprises is about 3.2 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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