Bill Gates: "Almost certainly" we will experience another financial crisis

Bill Gates: "Almost certainly" we will experience another financial crisis
07:39, March 8, 2018 Yicai

The great recession caused by the financial crisis in 2008 is still fresh in the minds of many Americans. A survey shows that, ten years later, even if the U.S. economy is back on track, one third of Americans still believe that they have not returned to the state before the financial crisis. The crisis in 2008 caused 8.8 million people to lose their jobs, the net worth of American families fell by 19 trillion dollars, and the number of homeless families increased significantly. stay Microsoft According to the founder Bill Gates, another financial crisis is "not far away".

Last week, Gates participated in the "Ask Me Anything" segment of Reddit. When asked whether he thought the United States would encounter another crisis in the near future, his answer was straightforward, "Yes, it's hard to say when, but almost certainly. Fortunately, we have already experienced it completely. Warren I have talked a lot about it. He knows much more about it than I do. "

Despite some concerns, both Gates and Buffett are optimistic about the US economy. Gates finally said that although there may be a huge impact in the future, he is optimistic about how innovation and capitalism will improve human conditions everywhere. I believe that the world is getting better and better, and almost all objective measurement standards are developing according to this trend.

Gates also answered many questions from netizens. Some excerpts are given below:

Netizen asked: how to evaluate virtual currency?

Gates replied: The biggest feature of cryptocurrency is anonymity, but he is pessimistic about its existence and development. The speculation of long-term position ICO and cryptocurrency is extremely dangerous.

Netizen asked: How do you think of Musk?

Gates replied: I am optimistic about driverless and electric vehicles. Electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles will be great things, but I cannot understand Mask's Hyperloop. I am not sure whether the concept of Hyperloop is reasonable, and it is difficult to ensure safety.

Netizens asked: What technology do you expect most in the next 10 years? What is the impact of this technology?

Gates replied: Computers can read and understand texts like humans. Now, computers can do simple things, such as searching for specific words; But we still can't understand the concept of "vacation", "career" or "family". Microsoft and other companies are working hard to create a useful assistant, and now the visual and verbal problems have been basically solved. Another frontier is robotics. The ability of human movement and manipulation is amazing. At present, experts disagree whether robots need ten years or more to reach human level.

Netizens asked: How will automation affect the economy in the next 10-20 years?

Gates answered: Since the industrial revolution, automation has been improving people's productivity, such as tractors. Software will continue to develop rapidly. We need to think about how to educate people to deal with new job opportunities. On the whole, automation is a great thing. In the end, humans don't have to do much work. But we still need the efforts of at least a generation to get there.

Editor in charge: Zhang Yujie SF107

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