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Warrants underperform regular shares

This week, the Shanghai Composite Index rose first and then fell, closing at 2743.76, down 0.37%. In the warrant market, only Ejiao EJC1 of the warrant received dividends, and most varieties fell more than regular shares. In terms of transaction, the total transaction volume of the warrant market this week was 55.487 billion yuan, 33.99% less than that of last week.

Recently, the market has fluctuated slowly, and individual stocks are seriously differentiated, which is a typical index market. We believe that although it fell below the short-term moving average of 5 and 10 days yesterday, the midline trend of the market is still good at present, and the replenishment of heavyweight stocks will continue, with some room still large. Therefore, it is expected that the short-term falling space of the Shanghai Index is limited, and the extreme low is around 2680 points. It is suggested that investors adjust their position structure in the process of oscillation and continue to tilt to the large blue chip stocks with a small cumulative increase. (Ping An Securities)

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