Sina Finance

China Southern Airlines' Put Continues to Be Raised; Subscription Warrants Rise Less and Fall More 12:09, May 30, 2008 China Securities Network

News from our website (Shanghai Securities News Yang Jing) In the morning of the 30th, the sell of China Southern Airlines, which was about to expire, continued to rise sharply under the hot speculation of funds. The subscription securities generally rebounded, and also rose generally at one time. However, after rising and falling back, it encountered a rapid decline in the late market, and eventually fell more than rose.

As of the early closing, the put of China Southern Airlines rose 12.92% to 0.673 yuan, with the highest being 0.684 yuan and the lowest being 0.617 yuan. Only the turnover rate in the early trading reached 175.03%. Market insiders suggest that investors pay attention to risks. Securities companies are actively canceling the put of China Southern Airlines. This product will also expire on June 20, and the last trading day will be June 13. Trading will be stopped from June 16.

Among the subscription certificates, the strongest performance was that of Kangmei Subscription, which rose 6.51% on the fifth trading day, but the increase has obviously converged compared with the previous trading days. Rizhao Subscription, Petrochemical Subscription, and Hong Kong Subscription rose slightly, while all other subscription varieties fell, but except Guodian Subscription, which led the decline, which fell by 2.14%, other varieties fell by less than 1%. Market insiders believe that the market is rising and falling, and the market is cautious again near the weekend. It is suggested that investors should pay attention to the hot spots of the market and pay attention to risks.

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