Sina Finance

Differentiation of strength and weakness of China Southern Airlines' post pulse sell-off subscription certificate 15:57, May 23, 2008 China Securities Network

News from our website (Shanghai Securities News Yang Jing) As of the closing of the day on the 23rd, China Southern Airlines' put, which had soared 21.47% during the session and was temporarily suspended, declined rapidly after the resumption of trading, and finally ended up with a 1.53% increase. ZTE's subscription, influenced by the news of telecom restructuring, showed a strong performance along with the positive shares, while Guodian's subscription also showed a very active performance. Other warrants generally fell more than rose less.

At the closing, ZTE subscription rose 11.82%, and Guodian subscription rose 10.46%. Guoan subscription, petrochemical subscription, SAIC subscription and other subscriptions rose slightly, with the increase not exceeding 2%. The decline of subscription certificates was generally small, with the largest decline of 2.59% in WISCO and the smallest decline of 0.07% in Hong Kong.

Market insiders believe that the sell of China Southern Airlines was heated by the market when it was about to expire, but it was also temporarily suspended soon, and then the trend fell down, suggesting investors pay attention to risks. In addition to being driven by the positive shares, the subscription certificates have also become the focus of market funds. It is suggested that investors should pay attention to the changes of positive shares, grasp the hot spots and operate cautiously.

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