Sina Finance

The subscription certificate of China Southern Airlines has turned green 11:02, May 23, 2008 China Securities Network

News from this website (Shanghai Securities News Yang Jing) As of 10:58 on the 23rd morning, with a wave of rapid dives in the market, China Southern Airlines' selling has risen rapidly, up% at present. At the same time, the subscription certificates also generally declined. At present, most of them turned green, with a decline of more than 2%.

China Southern Airlines' put rose rapidly, once up 19.63%, but now the increase has slightly converged, rising 14.11%, and the turnover rate has reached nearly 140%. The types of subscription that still kept rising were ZTE subscription and petrochemical subscription supported by the positive share resistance, of which ZTE subscription showed strong performance, up 3.43%. Other subscription securities departments fell, with Shenzhen Fa Subscription, COSCO Subscription, Jiangxi Guangdong Subscription, Guoan Subscription, Shenzhen Gaoke Subscription, etc. leading the decline, with the decline of more than 3%. The smaller decline was Shanghai Hong Kong Subscription, SAIC Subscription, with the decline of less than 1%.

Market participants believe that due to the weekend effect of market distress, caution has emerged, but there have also been varieties resistant to decline and rise in the session, and there is still the possibility of organized counterattack in many ways. It is recommended that investors operate cautiously and pay attention to risks.

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