Sina Finance

The subscription of Tsingtao Beer soared at the end of the day, and the subscription of China Southern Airlines dropped by more than 18% 15:33, May 14, 2008 China Securities Network

This network news (Shanghai Securities News Yang Jing) On the 14th, the recovery of market confidence in long selling was also reflected in the warrant plate. In the morning, subscription certificates generally rose, while in the late afternoon, most subscription certificates experienced another strong rally. In the end, Tsingtao Beer's subscription was the strongest, up 13.62%. The selling of China Southern Airlines, which has been declining all the time, dropped sharply in the late trading and finally fell 18.49% to close at 0.366 yuan.

By the end of the day, Tsingtao Beer's subscription had risen 13.62%, the third largest increase since its listing the next day. It hit a record high of 7.26 yuan in the session, with a turnover rate of 273.13%. At the same time, its main shares also rose sharply in the afternoon, eventually rising 7.16%. It was followed by Shenzhen Fa Subscription, up 8.93%, Hong Kong Subscription, up 6.84%, Petrochemical Subscription and Rizhao Subscription, up 5.91% and 5.04% respectively. The smaller increase was in the subscription certificate of the steel sector, and the increase in Guoan subscription and Shenzhen Gaoxin subscription was also less than 3%.

China Southern Airlines' early sell fluctuated around 8% for a long time after the red market was "short-lived". Although it launched a strong rebound in the afternoon, the sharp decline in the late market soon swallowed up the rebound results and accelerated downward decline, eventually falling 18.49%, with a turnover rate of 253.8%.

Market insiders believe that with the recovery of popularity, some hot spots in the warrant plate have also appeared, and the sharp decline of China Southern Airlines' put also reflects the recovery of the power to do long from the side. It is suggested that investors grasp the hot spots and pay attention to risks.

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