Sina Finance

Sinopec's subscription soared, and the right to take the option to counter the sharp decline of China Southern Airlines' selling 15:00, April 22, 2008 Panorama Network

Panorama reported on April 22 that in the afternoon, the market continued its deep bottoming. After falling below the 3000 point mark, the capital inflow accelerated significantly. The sector led by finance and real estate rebounded strongly, leading the two markets to close red eventually. The number of individual stocks rose significantly, approaching one third. The warrant market was full of hot spots in the afternoon. Driven by the soaring growth of Big Mac Petrochemical CWB1, blue chip options showed strong performance. However, China Southern Airlines' put was obviously abandoned by the market, and the last half hour saw a sharp drop in volume, which eventually fell by more than 10%.

Sinopec CWB1 maintained a narrow range of shocks in the first half of the afternoon, and the increase was once reduced to less than 2%. After 14:00, the long money started to make efforts to push it out of the unilateral upward trend, especially in the last 15 minutes, the market sentiment was extremely high, and the petrochemical subscription hit the highest daily increase of 33.89%, closing up 32.14%. The turnover rate reached a record high of 252.71% and the turnover exceeded 10 billion yuan. Driven by the subscription of Sinopec, the blue chip warrants rose sharply, and WISCO CWB1 soared 8.39%, leading Maanshan Iron and Steel Group's CWB1 to rise 3.11 and Steel Vanadium GFC1 to turn red in the late trading. SAIC CWB1 CWB1 and Shanggang CWB1 rose 7.91% and 5.49% respectively. Shenfa SFC2, once down nearly 6%, also turned red and ended up 2.94%. Although the small cap new options turned red, the increase was lower than that of the large cap options. Shenzhen High tech CWB1 rose 3.96%, COSCO CWB1, Jiangxi Guangdong CWB1, ZTE ZXC1 Rizhao CWB1 The growth rate is about 2%. Guoan GAC1 rose 0.68% slightly. Tsingtao Beer CWB1, which ended the speculation, closed down alone. The intraday decline was as high as 11% at one time, and the late afternoon decline was 6.52%. The turnover rate of six stock options exceeded 100%, indicating that the activity of the stock market has picked up significantly.

The put of China Southern Airlines has been in a narrow range for most of the time. After the Shanghai Composite Index fell below 3000 points and rebounded, its trend was obviously soft. After 14:30, it began to fall sharply, with a drop of more than 15% for a time, and ended up down 14.36%. There are obvious signs of capital flight.

Today, a total of 30.346 billion yuan of warrants were traded in the two markets, increasing for the second day in a row, up 10% from yesterday. The re increase of hot options brings new incremental funds to the warrant market. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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