Sina Finance

The subscription certificate went along with the positive shares in a large area, and the green southern airlines' selling ended in shock 15:23, April 17, 2008 China Securities Network

News from our website (Ma Jingyu, Shanghai Securities News) On the 17th, in the process of the market's volatile decline, the positive shares had a significant impact on the warrants. In the afternoon, with the stock index hitting a low, many warrants killed the green market. The China Southern Airlines put warrants opened low and went low, still maintaining a weak consolidation.

As of the closing, only three subscription certificates had been listed in the red market, among which the Shenzhen High Subscription Certificate was listed in the Shenzhen Expressway Boosted by the confidence of closing the limit, it rose by 4.16%. The intraday increase once soared to 10.25%, the one-day turnover rate reached 257.57%, and the turnover was 1.456 billion yuan, about 3.9 times of yesterday's. In addition, Rizhao and Guoan subscription also ended up 1.97% and 0.81% respectively.

Shenfa subscription led the decline today, closing at 10.758 yuan with a decrease of 8.05%, and SAIC, Steel Vanadium and Petrochemical subscription certificates also fell by more than 6%. China Southern Airlines sold at a fall of 1.99% and opened low, closing at 0.616 yuan in shock, down 5.67%. The one-day turnover rate was 202.98%, and the trading volume was significantly smaller than yesterday.

Analysts from GF Securities said that at present, the market volatility has intensified, and the investment confidence in A-share market has not yet been stabilized. Investors should pay attention to actively reduce the investment risk of warrants, including choosing warrants with a longer maturity date and warrants with a lower actual leverage ratio, and pay attention to observing the trend of positive shares to guide the operation of warrants.

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