Sina Finance

Warrants fell more than rose less overall performance was flat 11:12, April 15, 2008 China Securities Network

Our network news (Shanghai Securities News Yang Jing) In the morning of the 15th, with the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock indexes hitting a new low in the current round of adjustment, the weight stocks fell collectively and the center of gravity of the stock index was lowered, and most of the warrants also fell synchronously. At present, the warrant varieties are rising less and falling more, but overall, the overall performance of the warrant varieties is relatively flat.

As of 11:07, due to the impact of the positive shares once approaching the limit, the subscription of steel vanadium once rose by nearly 11% and then fell back. At present, it has risen by 2.66%, and the trading volume has significantly increased. At present, it is still the warrant with the largest increase. Petrochemical subscription hit a record low of 1.6 yuan shortly after the opening, and then fell back after a sharp rise. At present, the increase is very small. All other subscription certificates fell, with the biggest drop being Shenzhen Stock Exchange Subscription, down 5.14%. Secondly, the subscription of WISCO fell by 4.2%, and most other subscription certificates fell by more than 2%. After China Southern Airlines put low and opened high, it is now in a narrow range near the closing price on the 14th, showing a relatively calm performance.

Market participants believe that, compared with the sharp drop of regular shares, the current performance of subscribed varieties is resistant to decline, which deserves investors' attention. While the decline of the corresponding positive shares is more prominent, there has also been a considerable decline in the warrant. Investors should pay attention to the linkage between the positive shares and the warrant when selecting the warrant varieties.

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