Sina Finance

The only child to sell rights becomes a risk aversion baby in the weak market. The selling of China Southern Airlines soared by 30% 11:20, March 31, 2008 Panorama Network

Panorama, March 31 - After the sharp rise of nearly 60% in China Southern Airlines' selling last Wednesday, it experienced a huge correction for two consecutive days, and the previous increase was wiped out. However, the market fell sharply again today when the good rumors over the weekend failed to materialize. This makes speculative funds turn their attention to the only put warrants in the two markets. After opening higher than 3% in the morning trading, China Southern Airlines put back all the way and even turned green once. After half an hour of adjustment, speculative funds launched an attack after 10 o'clock, pulling their increase to about 20%, then began to shake, and then continued to shake the upward pace, hitting a half day high of 32.06% near the end of the afternoon trading. Its turnover rate also exceeded 200%, and the turnover reached 16 billion yuan, approaching the total turnover of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Under the current weak market conditions, China Southern Airlines has the characteristics of short selling, and there is no 10% increase limit and temporary suspension system. The most important thing is that the low price China Southern Airlines put, which can reverse the trade with T+0, has undoubtedly become the first choice for hedge funds. However, with the approaching of its maturity date, the subsequent put option has issued no information, and the warrant market may face a unilateral market with only options. However, the recent trend of the second new purchase right speculation and selling right is rising, and speculators can always find a way to obtain high profits. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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