Sina Finance

This week's total transactions in the warrant market reached 180.7 billion yuan, up 15.73% over the previous week 19:20, March 28, 2008 China Securities Network

Our online news (Shanghai Securities News Yu Xianfeng) The latest warrant market analysis report released by Liu Xuan, a derivatives researcher at Ping An Securities Research Institute, on March 28 shows that this week (March 24-28), the stock market volatility intensified and rebounded sharply at the weekend. The total trading volume of warrants market this week was 180.774 billion yuan, an increase of 15.73% over the previous week. Of which, the transaction of subscription certificates was 81.98 billion yuan, 24.82% less than that of last week; The turnover of put warrants was 98.795 billion yuan, more than doubling.

Specifically, the turnover of most subscription certificates has decreased, and there are only four large-scale varieties. Among them, the turnover of Shenzhen High CWB1 increased by 91.51% compared with last week, the most prominent performance. The turnover of Shenzhen Development SFC2 and Jiangxi Guangdong CWB1 increased by 41.69% and 23.77% respectively, while that of WISCO CWB1 slightly increased by 1.54%.

Put warrant, this Thursday Wuliang YGP1 The termination of transactions and speculation of the "doomsday round" did not occur. China Southern JTP1 showed an active performance, rising 58.32% this Wednesday, and falling sharply in the following two trading days, but it still rose 4.97% a week. In terms of transactions, the weekly turnover of China Southern JTP reached 97.847 billion yuan, more than double that of last week.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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