Sina Finance

China Southern Airlines' selling soared, Wuliang's selling right rebounded more than 40% 13:25, March 26, 2008 Panorama Network

On March 26, Panorama Network, China Southern Airlines continued to advance in the afternoon, rising nearly 40%, and the turnover rate also exceeded 200%. The strong selling power of China Southern Airlines also led Wuliang to make a final bid, rebounding from 0.044 yuan to 0.062 yuan, an instant rebound of more than 40%. At present, the turnover rate of Wuliang's put has exceeded 1000%, reaching a record high of 1086.76%. There is a strong atmosphere of speculation. Basically, large funds that have already earned a lot of money are playing the game of left hand versus right hand. Ordinary investors only need to care whether the sale of Wuliang can fall to 0.001 yuan today, and have the right to talk about money after dinner. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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