Sina Finance

Most subscription warrants rebound from the bottom 01:45, March 22, 2008 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

This week, the overall warrant market remained depressed. In terms of turnover, the total turnover this week was 156.02 billion yuan, a slight increase of 0.08% over last week. Among them, the turnover of subscription certificates was 109.047 billion yuan, 10.84% higher than last week; A total of 47.155 billion yuan of put warrants were sold in the whole week, down 18.27% from last week.

In terms of subscription warrants, only 2 of the 15 varieties received dividends. However, it is worth noting that most of the subscription warrants rebounded from the bottom this week, and the decline has converged compared with that of last week. Petrochemical CWB1 rose and fell back, rising 1.97% in a week, ranking first in the sector. WISCO CWB1 ended the decline and recovered, rising slightly by 0.47% this week. Wuliang YGC1 This Monday and Tuesday saw a sharp dive. Although the last three trading days saw a slight rebound, the weekly decline was still as high as 19.33%, ranking the first in the decline of the warrant. In terms of other varieties, except for Ganyue CWB1, Shengao CWB1 and COSCO CWB1, which fell by 8.83%, 6.40% and 5.26% respectively, the weekly decline of all subscription warrants was less than 5%.

(Hua Jianqiang, Ping An Securities Comprehensive Research Institute)

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