Sina Finance

China Southern Airlines believes that it will reverse its momentum in the afternoon, and its purchasing rights will continue to fall 15:15, March 17, 2008 Panorama Network

Panorama, March 17, early afternoon PetroChina Under the protection of equal weight stocks, 3900 points were recovered at one time, but the recovery of weight stocks triggered a large-scale cover fall of second and third tier stocks, and the stock indexes of the two cities turned downward, once testing the support strength of 3800 points. Only 34 stocks rose at the closing. After being silent for more than half a day, China Southern Airlines' selling reversed sharply in the afternoon and became the focus of the market again. In the afternoon, the secondary new options supporting the market all reversed and ended lower.

China Southern Airlines JTP1 started to work gradually at two o'clock in the afternoon. After turning red, it accelerated to speed up, with a maximum increase of nearly 8%. The turnover rate also followed the recovery. The final turnover rate reached 160.21%, exceeding the level of last Friday, and the turnover was close to 10 billion yuan. Since the decline of the market has not slowed down, the strong varieties in the market began to make up for the decline. Such an unwieldy market road has made the market focus again on the sell option with short momentum, and Wuliang put will be delisted next week, so China Southern Airlines put has become the only option for speculative funds. Wuliang's put also rebounded sharply following China Southern Airlines' put, which turned red for a time. However, for the put option with only seven trading days left, speculative funds did not dare to stay for long, and they left after a wave of speculation, which ended with a sharp decline of 13.16%.

The only gainer in the option purchase was Big Mac Petrochemical CWB1, up 0.54%, SINOPEC (China Petrochemical Corporation Follow the heavy burden of PetroChina to protect the market, but it is still difficult to defeat the turbulent decline. Shanggang CWB1 and ZTE ZXC1, which rose in the afternoon, both ended lower in the late afternoon, with Shanggang CWB1 down 2.53% and ZTE ZXC1 down 4.78%. Other times of new options accelerated to cover losses in the afternoon, SAIC CWB1 3.33% down, Guoan GAC1 down 5.73%, the most active Rizhao CWB1 Shenzhen High CWB1, COSCO CWB1 and Jiangxi Guangdong CWB1 all declined by more than 6%. Steel right purchase also continued to expand its decline, with MaSteel CWB1 down 5.94%, WISCO CWB1 down 6.40%, and Steel Vanadium GFC1 down 8.32%. In the afternoon, the slightly red Yunhua CWB1 fell by 4.62%, and the SFC2 of Shenzhen Development Bank also fell by 2.97%, once approaching a historical low. And those about to be delisted Wuliang YGC1 , its decline exceeded 10% for the first time, reaching 10.88%.

Today, a total of 28.689 billion yuan of warrants were traded in the two markets, down 13% from last Friday. The overall ebb of the sub new option makes the trading weak, and it is difficult for China Southern Airlines to support the market by selling the single tree. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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