Sina Finance

The selling of rights soared at the end of the day, with double-digit gains 15:00, March 12, 2008 Panorama Network

Panorama, March 12 - After the retaliatory high opening of the stock indexes of the two cities today, there was a unilateral downward trend. The market confidence was hit again, and individual stocks turned from general rising to general falling. Only 200 individual stocks in the two cities closed red. Trading in the warrant market was active, and there were two rounds of reversals. One was the high opening and low going of options. All options were opened high in the morning. In the end market, only CWB1 was left in Hong Kong, and there was no red selling of China Southern Airlines in the first half of the day and the selling of Wuliang, which once dropped by 10%, but they soared together in the end market, with double-digit increases.

CWB1 in Shanghai surged again in the morning, up 12.31%, its turnover rate was close to 500%, and it ended up 5.38%, becoming the only option that received a bonus today. Other options fell in the afternoon, and the second new option became the hardest hit area. ZTE ZXC1 fell by 9.30%, leading the decline in the power market and hitting a new low since its listing, while COSCO CWB1 and SAIC CWB1 They also reached historical lows, down 7.54% and 7.24% respectively. Rizhao CWB1 The decline reached 7.46%, Shenzhen High CWB1 also fell 6.00%, Guoan GAC1 closed down 6.38%, and only Jiangxi Guangdong CWB1 maintained a 2.06% decline. Financial stocks once again became the main force of the sell-off, making Shenzhen Development Group fell all the way and set a new low after opening 5% higher in the morning trading, with a drop of up to 8.86%. In the afternoon, the iron and steel purchase right in the red market was maintained, and the rising trend was difficult to sustain. Steel Vanadium GFC1 fell 1.82%, Maanshan Iron and Steel CWB1 fell 3.31%, and Wuhan Iron and Steel CWB1 fell 3.70%. In the morning, the cloud based CWB1 remained strong and closed down 1.73% in reverse, only higher than Wuliang YGC1 The price is 0.233 yuan higher, and the dispute of high price right is again delicate.

Before 14:35, the selling of Wuliang fell sharply for the twelfth day in a row, with a drop of 10% again. But just at this time, a wave of extremely fierce rally appeared. The selling of Wuliang went from a 10% drop in less than 15 minutes to the price limit of 0.440 yuan, an immediate increase of up to 20%. The closing price has been sealed, and the turnover rate has reached 563.57%. After the Wuliang put limit, China Southern JTP1 became the target of speculation. Also in the last half hour, it soared by more than 12% and the turnover rate exceeded 130%. The doomsday monster reappears in Wuliang's selling, and the risk is multiplied. At present, it will be delisted in only 10 trading days. Ordinary investors should be extremely cautious when participating in speculation.

A total of 30.309 billion yuan of warrants were traded in the two markets today, the same as yesterday. Tomorrow's right selling may usher in a new round of speculation. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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