Sina Finance

Subnew warrants performed well, and Hong Kong subscription rebounded strongly 11:53, March 12, 2008 China Securities Network

Our network news (Shanghai Securities News Pan Shengtao) The warrant market once became popular on the 12th, driven by the general rise of individual stocks. Since then, some warrants have fallen with the market, and the overall performance of the new warrants has been excellent.

As of the early closing, after yesterday's adjustment, the subscription in Hong Kong has rebounded sharply today, with an intraday increase of more than 11%, leading the rise in the stock market with a closing increase of 6.18%. Both Jiangxi Guangdong and COSCO subscription certificates, which were also recently listed, rose by more than 2%. The petrochemical subscription with strong performance yesterday rose and fell today, but it also kept a slight rise in the closing. Wuliang's subscription performance was weak, and it was the only warrant with a decline of more than 1% in early trading. In addition, Guoan, SAIC, Rizhao and ZTE also saw a slight decline.

Wuliang's early sell was habitually hyped once, but then showed a trend of high opening and low moving, and finally ended down 3.00%. China Southern Airlines' put rose from a low level and ended slightly lower by 1.01%.

Ping An Securities believes that from the perspective of premium rate, Wuliang YGC1 There is still a high negative premium. As the maturity is approaching, if the positive shares do not fall sharply in the near future, there is an arbitrage opportunity for Wuliang YGC1. In addition, when Wuliang YGC1 expired, the issuer did not issue new shares to meet the exercise needs, so the exercise did not have a dilutive effect on the positive shares.

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