Sina Finance

Ping An Securities: call for up and down warrants with up and down warrants and up to 30.3 billion yuan 20:31, March 11, 2008 China Securities Network

Our online news (Shanghai Securities News Yu Xianfeng) The latest warrant market analysis report released by Liu Xuan, a derivatives researcher at Ping An Securities Research Institute, on March 11 showed that the stock market had stabilized on that day. In the warrant market, the call warrants rose more than fell, and the put warrants continued to decline. The trading volume of the warrant market was nearly 10% larger than the previous day, with a total turnover of 30.359 billion yuan. Among them, the transaction of subscription certificates was 22.693 billion yuan, an increase of more than 30% over the previous day; The sale of put warrants was 7.666 billion yuan, down 26.26%.

In terms of specific varieties, most of the warrants were significantly increased. Among them, the turnover of Steel Vanadium GFC1 increased by 146.85%, and the turnover was not 1.421 billion yuan, the most prominent performance. Petrochemical CWB1 and Wuliang YGC1 The turnover also increased by 125.04% and 115.88%, respectively, to 9.768 billion yuan and 906 million yuan. The transaction amount of Sinopec CWB1 ranked first among the warrants, and the transaction amount of Shanggang CWB1 was 4.654 billion yuan, ranking second among the warrants.

Put warrants are in decline, Wuliang YGP1 At one time, it turned red in the early trading, but the risk was too great due to the approaching maturity. At the end of the trading day, it quickly declined, closing down 10.51%, and the trading volume increased by 40% to 753 million yuan. China Southern Airlines JTP1 fell 11.92%, and its turnover was only 6.913 billion yuan, showing sluggish performance.

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