Sina Finance

The hot spot of the second new right purchase is surging, and the turnover of the three giants accounts for 70% of the market 15:13, March 10, 2008 Panorama Network

Panorama, March 10 - The stock indexes of the two cities fell in the surrounding markets today, and the panic of investors intensified. Together, they reached a new low since this round of adjustment. There were only more than 100 gainers in individual stocks. In the morning, there was a depression in the warrant market. With the substantial increase in the number of shares subscribed in Hong Kong, the hot spot gradually surged. Several new options listed after February dominated the performance of the power market in the afternoon. The sale of Wuliang continued to stride on the road of return, with a decline of more than 17%.

Xinquan Shanggang CWB1, which was listed on Friday, unexpectedly opened almost flat this morning, and turned green immediately after the opening. This was somewhat unexpected for CWB1, which closed the trading limit in Hong Kong on Friday. But speculative buying quickly intervened, driving its price soaring. In the afternoon, it maintained its adjustment trend for most of the time, and once plunged. Just when investors thought that today's trend had ended, the late Hong Kong subscription started again, hitting the ceiling at one stroke, up 36.74%, which was impressive. It ended up 35.73%, with a turnover rate of 670.55%. The transaction volume also leapt to the first place in terms of purchase right, surpassing Sinopec CWB1. Stimulated by the trading limit of CWB1 in Hong Kong, Ganyue CWB1 and COSCO CWB1, which were listed in February, accelerated to rise in the afternoon. Ganyue CWB1 rose by more than 9%, closing up by 6.95%, and COSCO's intraday increase was also more than 5%, but it fell back to 1.44% in the late afternoon. Some new options also reduced the decline to some extent, and Shenzhen High CWB1 fell 1.35%, Rizhao CWB1 Down 1.84%, ZTE ZXC1 down 2.39%. And Guoan GAC1 and SAIC CWB1 However, the decline widened, closing down 3.09% and 3.74% respectively. Wuliang YGC1 Contrary to the trend of Yunhua CWB1, the subscription of Wuliang fell slightly by 0.61%, while the decline of Yunhua CWB1 reached 3.75%, and the difference between the two rights narrowed to 0.68 yuan. As today's heavyweight stocks collectively become the main short sellers, blue chip warrants also performed poorly. The decline of steel rights purchase was more than 3%, petrochemical CWB1 fell by 3.61%, while Shenzhen Development SFC2 once plummeted by more than 10%, closing down 9.53% at the end of the day, hitting a new historical low.

After the speculation appeared on Friday, China Southern Airlines' put continued to be active today, with an amplitude of 8.24%. The turnover rate and turnover were slightly larger than the previous trading day. It closed up 2.93%. The sale of Wuliang continued to accelerate on the road of return. Today, it closed ten consecutive negative days, with a decline of 17.68%. At present, there are only 12 trading days left.

Today, a total of 27.639 billion yuan of warrants were traded in the two markets, more than 30% larger than that of last Friday. The turnover of three large cap warrants, namely Shanggang CWB1, Petrochemical CWB1 and China Southern Airlines JTP1, accounted for 70% of the warrant market. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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