Sina Finance

Shenzhen Stock Exchange prompts that the value of Valin JTP warrant is 0 05:37, February 22, 2008 China Securities News - China Securities Network

□ Our reporter Wu Ming reports from Shenzhen

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange today issued a risk warning announcement on the last trading day of "Z Valin JTP" (securities code: 038003), requiring investors, especially small and medium-sized investors, to pay attention to trading and holding risks, make rational investment, and not blindly follow the trend of speculation.

The announcement pointed out that today, as the last trading day of the put warrants, the trading of the warrants will be terminated from next Monday (February 25). After the market closes today, the value of the warrants held by investors is 0. Shenzhen Stock Exchange specially reminds investors that they may suffer heavy losses if they participate in today's trading.

SZSE said that it will implement key monitoring and risk control on the warrant trading in strict accordance with the Notice on Further Strengthening the Monitoring of "Valin JTP1" Warrant Trading.

It is also understood that, in view of the abnormal fluctuations in intraday transactions, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange has also issued put warrants“ Wuliang YGP1 ”Four temporary intraday suspension measures were taken to warn investors of risks, and said that further risk control measures would be taken to monitor the intraday trading.

On February 20, "Wuliang YGP1" opened at 1.005 yuan, and then continued to rise to 1.148 yuan, an increase of 14.57%. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange decided to temporarily suspend the warrant for one hour from 13:18:58 on the same day. After the resumption of trading at 14:19, "Wuliang YGP1" still kept rising, rising to 1.23 yuan in just a few minutes, an increase of 22.75%, From 14:22:43, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange temporarily suspended the trading of the warrant again, and resumed the closing call auction at 14:57. The warrant closed at 1.285 yuan on the same day, with a daily increase of 28.24%.

Yesterday, "Wuliang YGP1" opened at a high price of 1.32 yuan, rising to 1.466 yuan in 20 minutes of trading, or 14.09%. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange suspended the warrant temporarily for one hour from 9:50:35, and the warrant continued to rise rapidly to 1.56 yuan after resumption at 10:51. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange again suspended the warrant temporarily from 10:53:36, At 14:57, the resumption of trading resumed the closing call auction, and finally the price of the warrant fell back to 1.335 yuan for closing, with a daily increase of 3.89%.

SZSE said that it has implemented key monitoring on "Wuliang YGP1" transactions, and will restrict transactions of accounts suspected of violations in accordance with the Implementation Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Trading Restrictions, and report to the CSRC for investigation and punishment.

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