Sina Finance

The Myth of Selling Right Collapses Instantly; Valin's Put plummets by 20% and Returns 15:20, February 21, 2008 Panorama Network

On February 21, Panorama reported that the market experienced wide shocks today. The decline in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was smaller than that in the afternoon, and the number of individual stocks rose to nearly 1000. In the afternoon, the hot spots of the right market began to appear. As Valin's put is about to enter the final trading day tomorrow, there was a sharp plunge in the late trading, which led the other two put options to follow the sharp decline. The myth of selling power soaring collapsed instantly.

   Valin JTP1 In the afternoon, the price had been adjusted sideways. After 14:30, the gradually increasing selling brought down its price rapidly, and its decline rapidly expanded from 4% to 28.80%, then rebounded, but the final price fell 22.28%. The turnover rate reached 465.99%, the third highest in the month. After China Southern Airlines JTP1 hit the afternoon high, it was driven to dive, from more than 10% up to more than 9% down, and the trading also rapidly expanded. The daily turnover reached 34.783 billion yuan, the second highest level since its listing. Has been suspended Wuliang YGP1 At the call auction stage, the trading resumed. Affected by the sharp drop of other put options, the increase of the call auction also shrank from 21% to 3.89% of the closing price. The turnover rate also exceeded 100%.

After winning the title of the highest price right in the two cities in the morning, Yunhua CWB1 rose rapidly to 9.32% after the opening in the afternoon, and narrowed in the late trading. The turnover rate was very loose, more than 100%, and the turnover reached 2.447 billion yuan, the highest since November 1 last year. The secondary new options performed well, and Shenzhen High CWB1 jumped in the late afternoon, closing up 2.83%. Guoan GAC1 and Rizhao CWB1 They rose 2.68% and 2.16% respectively. Closed down in the afternoon SAIC CWB1 It also turned red with a slight increase of 0.33%. The purchase of iron and steel rights maintained a moderate trend. The subscription of Wuhan Iron and Steel Group and Maanshan Iron and Steel Group rose 1.75% and 1.08%, while the GFC1 of vanadium steel fell 0.07%. High price rights continued to decline, and Shenzhen Development SFC2 fell 0.59%, Wuliang YGC1 The purchase right still led the decline, down 1.81%.

Today, a total of 50.097 billion yuan of warrants were traded in the two markets, up 30% from yesterday. Tomorrow's Valin JTP1 is the last trading day. Ordinary investors should not follow the trend of hype, so as not to lose money if they fail to grasp it. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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