Sina Finance

Rizhao CWB1 led the rise of the second new option yesterday, and the power king led the fall today 11:30, February 5, 2008 Panorama Network

Panorama News on February 5 Today PetroChina and Industrial Bank Under the test of the lifting of the ban on restricted shares of two large cap stocks worth more than 100 billion yuan, the two cities experienced a correction after soaring, with individual stocks falling more than rising less. In addition, today is the last trading day before the festival, the enthusiasm for market participation has decreased, and the warrant market has experienced some differentiation. with Rizhao CWB1 The second new option plate led the rising market, while the power king Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. CWB1 fell significantly yesterday, leading the decline in the afternoon.

In the case that the positive shares corresponding to many warrants did not rise significantly, their warrants rose against the trend. The whole new option plate, inspired by the rise of more than 10% of Rizhao CWB, broke away from the positive stock trend and went out of the independent trend. The leading Rizhao CWB1 closed up 7.57%, followed by Shenzhen High CWB1, which rose 3.02%. The turnover rate of these two rights and certificates exceeded 100%, and the turnover rate of Rizhao CWB1 reached 225.18%, which was higher than the level of the whole day yesterday. SAIC CWB1 During the session, it was 10 yuan higher, up 1.11%, and Guoan GAC1 slightly rose 0.38%. Yesterday's most powerful steel purchase right differentiated obviously today. In the morning, it rose and then fell. In the afternoon, only Maanshan Steel CWB1 barely closed red, up 0.31%, and Steel Vanadium GFC1 closed down 1.18%. Yesterday, Wugang CWB1, the power king, fell 2.39%, leading the decline in the power market. The high price purchase rights have all gone up and down, Wuliang YGC1 Down 1.40%, Yunhua CWB down 1.42%, and Shenzhen Development SFC2 down 2.38%.

The selling of rights opened high and moved high in the morning, but the momentum of long selling gradually declined after 10 o'clock. In the afternoon, China Southern JTP1 and Wuliang YGP1 Both turned green, closing down 0.44% and 1.83% respectively. Only Yu Hualing's put rose slightly by 0.49%.

A total of 10.854 billion yuan of call warrants and 5.414 billion yuan of put warrants were traded in both cities. Before the festival, investors had no desire to fight, which made the turnover shrink significantly. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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