Sina Finance

Collective decline of warrants 08:15, February 2, 2008 Panorama Network - Securities Times


Ping An Securities

This week, the Shanghai Composite Index closed at 4320.77, down 9.26%. The warrant market continued the downward trend of the previous week, but the total transaction volume increased by 126.82%. Of which, the turnover of subscription certificates was 54.731 billion yuan, basically the same as last week; The sale of put warrants reached 141.354 billion yuan, up 328.89%.

In terms of subscription certificates, all of them were turned green, with an average decline of 6.72%. Wuliang YGC1 The largest decline was 14.96%; Rizhao CWB1 The smallest decline was 2.52%. In terms of transaction, Wuliang YGC1 contracted by 40%; Rizhao CWB1 and Shenfa SFC2 are nearly 50%.

In terms of put warrants, Valin JTP1 Wuliang YGP1 They fell 42.46% and 25.53% respectively, while China Southern JTP1 rose 7.66%. This week, the put warrants were collectively hyped. Among them, China Southern JTP1 was the worst performer, rising 59.81% on Monday and falling 34.63% from Tuesday to Friday; Its turnover reached 133.318 billion yuan, 486.72% higher than last week.

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