Sina Finance

China Southern Airlines' put sales reached a new high of 16% in Shenzhen 13:49, January 29, 2008 Panorama Network

On January 29, Panorama Network, under the pursuit of speculative funds, the selling of China Southern Airlines soared by 46% again today. It took only a little more than half a day to forget the record turnover of 28.855 billion yuan just set yesterday. By the time of press release, China Southern Airlines' put turnover had reached 34.756 billion yuan, with a turnover rate of 379.04%. At present, the total turnover in Shenzhen Stock Exchange is only 29.92 billion yuan, and the turnover of one warrant subscribed by China Southern Airlines exceeds 16% of the total turnover in Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The activity of warrant market can be seen.

At present, the A-share market is weak, the transaction cost is low, and the warrant market that can conduct T+0 operation has won the favor of speculative funds and some hedge funds. The popularity of the warrant market was fully stimulated. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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