Sina Finance

Valin's put soared again and was suspended for the shortest time ever 13:20, January 29, 2008 Panorama Network

Panorama on January 29, the situation that the full day trading of Zhongji put was only 9 minutes was another doomsday put right today Valin JTP1 It reappears on the body. In the morning trading, 37 seconds after the opening, only five deals were closed, with an increase of 15.26% for some of them being 0.657 yuan, which hit the limit of increase, and the trading was temporarily suspended for one hour. After the resumption of trading after the opening of the afternoon market, Valin put quickly climbed to a high of 22.46% under the fierce pull of speculative funds. Reached the price limit order again, and was temporarily suspended by Shenzhen Stock Exchange to the stage of collective bidding. So far, the normal trading time of Valin put today is only 5 minutes. With the 3 minutes of collective bidding, the total trading time of Valin put today is only 8 minutes, breaking the previous record of the shortest trading time of 9 minutes for a full day transaction set by CIMC put.

The price of "Valin JTP1" (securities code 038003) fluctuated abnormally in today's trading. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trading Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Interim Measures of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Administration of Warrants, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange temporarily suspended the trading of the warrants from 13:03:47 today, resumed trading at 14:57, and resumed the closing call auction. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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