Sina Finance

Valin's put was temporarily suspended for 37 seconds, setting a record for the fastest temporary suspension 11:12, January 29, 2008 Panorama Network


Panorama News on January 29, Valin JTP1 Trading will be suspended for one hour along with the regular shares. After the resumption of trading at 10:30, after only five sales of Valin's put, the price increased by 15.26% to 0.657 yuan, and hit the limit of increase. The trading was temporarily suspended for one hour, which was only 37 seconds from its opening. This also created the fastest suspension record in the history of Shenzhen Stock Exchange warrants. Its trading was suspended at 0.605 yuan, up 6.14%, and the turnover rate was 6.14%.

The price of "Valin JTP1" (securities code 038003) fluctuated abnormally in today's trading. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trading Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Interim Measures of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Administration of Warrants, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange temporarily suspended the trading of the warrants for one hour from 10:30:37 today and resumed trading at 13:01. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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