Sina Finance

Selling of China Southern Airlines soared by more than 10%, and the trend is unique and interesting 14:54, January 25, 2008 Panorama Network

On January 25, Panorama reported that China Southern Airlines' sell led the rise in the afternoon, and went out of the trend of rising and falling in the afternoon. Just when investors thought that it would continue to fluctuate and fall back, after 14:30, it immediately started to soar from 0.377 yuan to the current peak of 0.412 yuan in just 10 minutes. The immediate increase was close to 10%. At present, its turnover rate has reached 128.83%.

Since 2008, China Southern Airlines has been increasingly active in putting and trading volume. In the past ten trading days, its turnover rate has exceeded or approached 100% in four trading days. Today, China Southern Airlines' unique selling trend is intriguing, in which hot money turns the tide to obtain band profits. At present, it has become a "cash machine" for securities companies and a "cash machine" for hot money. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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