Sina Finance

Panic contributed to the decline of nine varieties in the late afternoon, with double-digit decline 15:55, January 22, 2008 Panorama Network

On January 22, Panorama reported that the market today staged a more tragic scene than the "5.30" plunge. More than 800 individual stocks in the two cities fell by the limit. In particular, the collective limit of heavy weights hit market confidence seriously, leading to a sharp sell-off in the late stock market. Nine varieties fell by more than two figures, and three put options fell by more than 20%.

The two high price options that ended up in the afternoon could not support the overall situation in the afternoon, and both turned down. Wuliang YGC1 The decline was the smallest, only 2.57%, which is rare for such a sharp fall today. Cloudization CWB1 fell by 7.55%, still ranking third. The decline of CWB1 of Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., the leader of steel purchase, also significantly expanded from the noon session, reaching 6.24%, while that of GFC1 of vanadium steel dropped 8.64%, and that of CWB1 of Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. reached 10.65%, a double-digit decline, which has fallen below the adjusted low of the previous round. Although SDB A only fell by about 5% today, SDB SFC1 fell by 11.22% and the premium rate dropped significantly to 10.33%. The decline of secondary new options reached double digits, and Guoan GAC1 fell 11.07%, Rizhao CWB1 Down 13.55%, Shenzhen High CWB1 down 13.66%, SAIC CWB1 It fell by 13.94%, and SAIC subscription continued to lead the decline, with a cumulative decline of more than 40% in ten trading days compared with the high of 14.900 yuan.

After 14:30, with the acceleration of the market decline, put options also fell sharply, and the three put options fell by more than 20%. Valin JTP1 The decline of 24.25% replaced the leading position of Wuliang's selling in the afternoon, and the turnover rate reached 441.76%, hitting a new high for several consecutive days. Wuliang YGP1 The decline was slightly smaller, reaching 23.92%, while the put decline of China Southern Airlines reached 20.41%.

The warrants of the two markets traded a total of 18.153 billion yuan today, nearly 50% larger than yesterday. Panic selling caused an abnormal increase in trading volume today. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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