Sina Finance

SAIC CWB1 continues to plummet and return after the turnaround 15:27, January 17, 2008 Panorama Network

On January 17, Panorama News Today, the market continued the momentum of yesterday's sharp decline, falling more than 250 points in the session. Although the decline in the late session narrowed, it still fell nearly 140 points. The number of individual stocks rising is less than 400. The warrant market fell again, but the previous performance was the weakest SAIC CWB1 Today, under the incentive of the expected tripling of the positive stock performance, the stock market rose sharply, ranking first in the stock market. The three put options have all gone out of a wide range of shocks, with amplitude of more than 10%, Valin JTP1 Continue to plummet back.

SAIC CWB1 opened sharply higher by 5% after it resumed trading after an hour of suspension, but then went down all the way and fell to a daily low before the closing of the afternoon trading. In the afternoon, the company reversed the trend, rising more than 6%, and finally ended up 5.83%. Both the turnover rate and turnover reached a new high the day after its listing. SDB A reversed its red trend in the afternoon, driving SDB SFC2 up 1.24%. Suboption Rizhao CWB1 It also regained its upward trend, closing up 1.24%, and Shenzhen High CWB1 shrank to 1.07%. However, Guoan GAC1 was extremely weak, falling 5.33%, leading the decline in purchase rights, and the price returned to the level at the beginning of December. The decline of steel options has narrowed. The decline of WISCO CWB1 has shrunk by nearly half, down 3.59%, Maanshan Iron and Steel CWB1 down 4.37%, and Steel Vanadium GFC1 down 4.84%. Cloud CWB1 and Wuliang YGC1 The decline was similar to that in the afternoon trading, with a slight difference. Yunhua CWB1 fell 4.19%, and Wuliang YGC1 fell 4.20%.

Valin JTP1's turnover rate reached 389.38% today, a new high since August 2, and its amplitude reached 18.41%, which is rare in recent days. However, it dropped by 12.08% in the late trading, and continued to plummet back to the motherland. China Southern JTP1 and Wuliang YGP1 The decline was more than 5%, and the turnover rate of China Southern Airlines' put also hit a new high since November 27.

Today, a total of 19.2 billion yuan of warrants were traded in the two markets, a new high since December 14. The total turnover of put options exceeded 10 billion yuan, which became the biggest driving force for today's trading volume. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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