Sina Finance

The warrant market is falling 05:19, January 17, 2008 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

⊙ Ping An Securities Comprehensive Research Institute

On Wednesday, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell by 2.81% in shock. The warrant market fell, only one of the call warrants was red, and all the put warrants were green. In terms of transaction, the total transaction volume of the warrant market yesterday was 13.41 billion yuan, up 7.75% from the day before yesterday. Of which, the turnover of subscription certificates was 7.543 billion yuan, a slight decrease of 4.75%; The sale of put warrants was 5.867 billion yuan, an increase of 29.61% over the previous day.

Yesterday, only Yunhua CWB1 in the subscription certificate closed red, but the increase was only 1.22%. The rest of the subscription certificates were closed in green, and Shenzhen Development SFC2 fell 7.19%, the largest decline among the subscription certificates, when the positive share Shenzhen Development fell 5.31%. Suboption SAIC CWB1 It remained depressed, falling 6.14% yesterday. The three steel subscription certificates also fell by more than 5%, and Steel Vanadium GFC1 fell by 6.57%, ranking second in the list of subscription certificates.

In terms of transactions, the turnover of Cloudization CWB1 increased by 167.47% compared with the previous day, with the most significant volume. Guoan GAC1 also increased significantly, with a turnover increase of 89.37%. However, the turnover of the three steel options has shrunk, among which, the turnover of Wuhan Iron and Steel CWB1 and Maanshan Iron and Steel CWB1 decreased by 28.35% and 28.33% respectively compared with the previous day, which is more obvious.

In terms of put warrants, as the three put warrants are all out of depth price, the decline of the market has not strengthened the put option, and all the put warrants are closed in green. Valin JTP1 Continuing the weakness of the previous day, it fell 4.80% yesterday, which was the biggest drop among the put warrants. In terms of transaction, Valin JTP1 and Wuliang YGP1 The turnover increased by 36.92% and 36.05% respectively compared with the previous day, which was significant.

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