Sina Finance

The weak market of iron and steel purchasing power shows that the overall popularity of the market is still weak 10:10, December 25, 2007 Panorama Network

On December 25, Panorama reported that after the market received four positive lines, the subsequent momentum was obviously insufficient. With the collective correction of heavyweight stocks, the market showed a volatile trend. However, individual stocks are still rising in the mainstream, with nearly 1000 gainers. The warrant market still maintained a relatively low popularity, with the exception of the steel purchase troika that performed well today, the other varieties were weak in both sales and purchases.

When the market of steel purchasing power was booming a few days ago, its performance was rather sluggish, but in today's weak market, it shows its heroic nature. The three options accounted for the top three gainers in the power market. Steel Vanadium GFC1 and Wuhan Iron and Steel CWB1 took turns to lead the gainers. Steel Vanadium GFC1 rose 3.81%, Wuhan Iron and Steel CWB1 rose 3.66%, Maanshan Iron and Steel CWB1 rose 2.62%, and the turnover was more than 1 billion yuan. Other options except Wuliang YGC1 The external micro range closed down. The trading and investment of secondary new options generally fell back, Rizhao CWB1 It fell 0.16%, the turnover rate fell to 53.72%, Guoan GAC1 fell 0.85%, the premium rate further fell to 81.55%, and Shenzhen High CWB1 fell 1.30%. Shenfa SFC2 fell by 1.20%, maintaining the trend of adjustment. However, Yunhua CWB1 experienced a sharp dive after its performance in the early trading, ending 2.05% lower in the afternoon trading, leading the decline in the power market.

The put option of China Southern Airlines ended slightly red, up 0.32%, and the turnover rate was only about 15%. Valin JTP1 and Wuliang YGP1 The trading volume maintained the level of land volume, and the turnover was only 263 million yuan and 174 million yuan, down 1.54% and 1.82% respectively.

A total of 6.497 billion yuan of call warrants and 1.61 billion yuan of put warrants were traded in both cities. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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