Sina Finance

The stock market strengthened, the power market did not benefit, and the attention of the market weakened, buying and selling fell together 15:11, December 24, 2007 Panorama Network

Panorama News on December 24 PetroChina In the afternoon, the market continued to expand its gains. The "seesaw" effect increased the number of stocks falling in the late trading. The stock market returns to a situation of rising prices and volumes, but it has not brought any benefits to the stock market. Due to the reduction of market attention, the varieties with strong trend in the early stage all experienced a correction. In the end, the stock market fell more than it rose, and Wuliang subscription, which led the rise in the afternoon market, also reduced its growth. Although the put option rebounded, the trading volume remained low.

   Wuliang YGC1 In the afternoon, although the main stock market fell slightly, and the closing price remained 3.37%, it still held the first place in the stock market. Its turnover doubled compared with Friday, indicating strong popularity. The premium rate remains at 14.06%, which is the most valuable variety in the stock market. SFC2 of Shenzhen Development Bank maintained a narrow range of shocks, and ended flat with the afternoon market, up 1.88%. The trend of iron and steel right purchase appeared a slight differentiation, the increase of steel vanadium GFC1 slightly expanded to 1.33%, while the decrease of Maanshan Iron and Steel CWB1 and Wuhan Iron and Steel CWB1 slightly expanded to 0.75% and 0.84%. Rizhao CWB1 In the afternoon, it gradually declined and ended up 0.82%. Shenzhen High CWB1 and Guoan GAC1 both ended down 0.51% and 0.93% slightly. Today's amplitude of Wang Yunhua's CWB1 fell slightly by 0.79%.

The unpopular put warrants rebounded in the afternoon, and China Southern Airlines JTP1 staged a strong rebound, once turning red and rising more than 1%, but the follow-up was weak, and finally ended down 0.32%. Valin JTP1 and Wuliang YGP1 The decline narrowed, down 1.13% and 1.43% respectively, and the turnover slightly increased compared with Friday.

Today, a total of 13.75 billion yuan of warrants were traded in the two markets. Although it is still low, it has recovered nearly 20% from Friday. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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