Sina Finance

The soaring selling of rights has become the focus of the weak market. Investors should not ignore the high risks 15:04, November 26, 2007 Panorama Network

On November 26, Panorama reported that the trend of the market today was first down and then up, with individual stocks rising to falling, indicating that the current market is extremely unpopular. The uncertainty about the future market makes the wait-and-see atmosphere strong, and the trading volume continues to hover at a low level. At the same time, the warrant market, which has been neglected for a long time by the market, has been re emphasized by some idle and hot money. After taking the opportunity of China Southern Airlines' put creation last week to continuously suppress the sell right plate, today's hot money has driven the sell right to soar with a very powerful approach, obtaining rich profits. In the early trading, the purchase right was all red, while in the late market, only three varieties received red because the market continued to decline.

   Wuliang YGP1 Undoubtedly, it is the most eye-catching variety in the right market today. It has experienced two temporary suspensions and plummeted after the second resumption of trading, but it was pulled up strongly in the late afternoon, and finally closed at the highest point of the day, 2.28 yuan, up 34.75%, the second largest daily increase since its listing. The turnover rate reached 201.65%, with a turnover of 1.26 billion yuan. Its price of 1.630 yuan last Friday has dropped by more than 50% from its peak of 3.378 yuan in early November. However, as a product with no investment value, its current price of more than 2 yuan is still seriously overestimated. Valin JTP1 It was also temporarily suspended twice in the session, closing up 19.72%, with a turnover rate of 211.94%, the highest today. The turnover rate of China Southern Airlines JTP1, the largest in circulation, was close to 200% today, with a turnover of 17.710 billion yuan, a new high since its listing. At present, put warrants can only be used as props of a drum and flower game, and they flow among many fools over time. Unless ordinary investors have high risk tolerance or excellent warrant trading skills. Otherwise, you should never easily participate in this kind of silly game, or you may become the victim of the big fund struggle.

Shengao CWB1 and Guoan GAC1, the top two premium rates, became the leading varieties of options. Shengao CWB1 rose 3.82%, the premium rate was 97.43%, and Guoan GAC1 rose 2.01%, the premium rate was 99.42%, again approaching the 100% mark. Cloudization CWB1, which had rebounded from the oversold, became another red variety, up 1.77%. As SDB A became the main force in the late dive, SDB SFC1 fell from the leading variety in the early trading to the leading variety in the closing, closing down 3.35%, with a negative premium rate of 0.17%, and SDB SFC2 also fell 2.37%. Iron and steel options closed slightly lower in the late afternoon. Vanadium Steel GFC1 and WISCO CWB1 fell slightly by 0.12% and 0.58% respectively, showing strong resilience. Wuliang YGC1 The strong consolidation continued, with a slight decline of 0.11%. Sinochem CWB1 still remained weak, down 2.39%.

Today, a total of 29.921 billion yuan of warrants were traded in the two markets, nearly 80% larger than last Friday. The trading volume of put warrants alone today exceeded the total trading volume of the right market on any day of last week. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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