Sina Finance

Warrant market fell across the board 01:20, November 23, 2007 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

⊙ Ping An Securities Xuepu

On Thursday, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell 4.41% to close at 4984.16. Affected by this, the warrant market fell across the board. In terms of transaction, the differentiation of subscription and put was obvious, and the transaction of subscription certificate was 6.326 billion yuan, a sharp decrease of 45.23% compared with the previous trading day; Put warrants were sold for 8.432 billion yuan, more than double the previous trading day.

The subscription certificate showed a general decline, with an average decline of 7.80%. Guoan GAC1 and Shenfa SFC2 fell 11.53% and 11.06% respectively, ranking top two in the list of decline of subscription warrants.

Put warrants did not show any performance due to the sharp decline of the market, but also fell sharply collectively. The three put warrants fell by 15.36% on average. Among them, China Southern Airlines JTP1 dropped the most, up to 18.79%.

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