Sina Finance

Z will be added before the abbreviation of Shenzhen warrant 05:50, November 15, 2007 China Securities News - China Securities Network

SZSE issued a notice today to change the abbreviation of relevant warrants on the last trading day to fully remind the investment risk and the last trading day of warrants. The notice stipulates that the letter "Z" will be added before the original abbreviation of the relevant warrants to represent the last trading day, and the serial number represented by the mantissa of the original abbreviation will be removed, and the warrant code will remain unchanged. On the trading day next to the last trading day, the relevant warrants will be restored to their abbreviations before the last trading day until the warrants are delisted.

In accordance with the above principles“ CIMC ZYP1 ”The abbreviations of the put warrant and "OCT HQC1" warrant on the last trading day (November 16, 2007) will be changed to "ZCIMC ZYP" and "Z OCT HQC" respectively. On November 19, the original abbreviations of "CIMC ZYP1" put warrants and "OCT HQC1" call warrants were restored. The change of the abbreviation of other relevant warrants on the last trading day shall be executed by reference. (Wu Ming)

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