Sina Finance

Subscription certificate generally declined, Zhongji put for 12 consecutive negative days 01:50, November 13, 2007 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

⊙ Ping An Securities Xuepu

On Monday, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 2.40% to 5187.73. The warrant market fell more than rose, with only 3 warrants closing in red.

The subscription certificate showed a general decline, only Qiaocheng HQC1 and Wuliang YGC1 It closed in red, up 4.11% and 1.45% respectively. Among the other subscription certificates, Sinochem CWB1 fell the most, up to 6.29%. Shenfa SFC1, Guoan GAC1 and Maanshan Steel CWB1 also fell by more than 4%. In terms of transaction volume, WISCO CWB1 and Wuliang YGC1 were more obvious, with the transaction volume increased by 67.06% and 51.30% respectively compared with the previous trading day.

Affected by the overall market, most of the subscription warrants showed a trend of first restraining and then rising yesterday, with the maximum decline of Masteel CWB1 up to 11.41% and the closing decline of 4.97%; WISCO CWB1 also fell by more than 9% during the session, and the closing decline was only 3.18%.

In terms of put warrants, only China Southern Airlines JTP1 slightly increased by 0.10%, and the other three put warrants all declined CIMC ZYP1 The decline was the largest, up to 31.88%, which was also the 12th consecutive trading day for CIMC ZYP1. With the arrival of the last trading day, the "zeroing" of CIMC ZYP1 will be inevitable. In terms of transaction, although the volume of CIMC ZYP1 was 18.80% lower than that of the previous trading day, the turnover rate was still as high as 745.41%, much higher than other put warrants.

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