Sina Finance

Tianfa is tracking the equity auction of two companies 05:47, October 25, 2007 China Securities News - China Securities Network

   S * ST Tianyi Equity auction is questioned

Our reporter Chen Guangyu Ye Feng Jingzhou reports

On October 20, 54297000 shares of S * ST Tianyi (600703), a subsidiary of Tianfa, were auctioned by Fujian San'an at a price of 0.303 yuan per share, and then another subsidiary of Tianfa S * ST Tianfa (000670) The equity auction originally scheduled to be held today was postponed again. At the same time, it is rumored that some assets of S * ST Tianyi have been Hainan Yedao (600238). On the one hand, some creditors questioned the auction price of S * ST Tianyi's equity. On the other hand, the future whereabouts of S * ST Tianfa's equity and assets also attracted strong attention from the market.

"Although the reorganization manager currently only plays the role of supervision, if S * ST Tianyi disposes of assets, the reorganization manager should know about it. But we have never heard of asset disposal." On October 24, a reporter came to the hotel where S * ST Tianyi and S * ST Tianfa asset reorganization managers were stationed, and their staff said, Banks and other large creditors of S * ST Tianyi are not very satisfied with the bankruptcy reorganization plan and auction results. In this regard, the reporter consulted the legal profession. Although the bankruptcy reorganization plan has been approved by the court for implementation, if the creditors have objections, they can still summon the creditors to exercise their rights through legal means such as litigation.

However, people familiar with the matter said that S * ST Tianyi only has more than two months left for its restructuring. If it does not enter the share reform process as soon as possible and make a profit at the end of the year, the company will terminate its listing. If the company passes reorganization, there is still an opportunity to resume listing. In this respect, bankruptcy reorganization should be regarded as a win-win result. However, the person reminded that even after the equity auction, due to time constraints, the company's final results are also full of variables.


Fujian After San'an bought 54.297 million shares of S * ST Tianyi at a price of 16.452 million yuan, the asset disposal plan of S * ST Tianyi has not yet been finalized. According to the reporter, Fujian San'an has just made a commitment to share reform. According to the relevant rules, Fujian San'an, which has a controlling stake in the company's shell resources, does not have the right to dispose of assets at present, while the asset disposal plan proposed by Hainan Yedao is currently only a framework intended plan.

In addition, the announcement issued by Hainan Yedao yesterday also confirmed this statement. According to the announcement, Hainan Yedao only plans to participate in the transfer of some operational assets during the restructuring of S * ST Tianyi. The announcement of Hainan Yedao also said that the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Jingzhou Municipal People's Government, the actual controller of S * ST Tianyi Company, would transfer some operational assets at the end of this month, and Hainan Yedao would like to negotiate with Jingzhou State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission to participate in the transfer of some operational assets.

As for S * ST Tianyi's intentional plan for future restructuring, all relevant parties have kept this secret. S * ST Tianyi also said that the company has not received any letter on asset disposal and other related matters.

In addition, the reporter noticed that some assets of S * ST Tianfa had been listed in Jingzhou Property Rights Trading Center on October 19. Relevant people said that the disposal of these assets could be either through agreements or through public auctions to find buyers. For S * ST Tianfa, it is the most urgent thing for them to find a suitable restructuring party as soon as possible.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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