Sina Finance

Guosen Securities: The overall market is at a high level, and the performance of warrants is flat 06:18, October 23, 2007 Panorama Network - Securities Times

Warrant primary dealer Guosen Securities Alternative Investment Headquarters

In the past week, the market is too high to be cold, investors have a delicate mentality, and the warrant market performance is flat. The put warrants did not perform as before, taking advantage of the high market volatility. The call warrants also suffered a deeper decline than the regular stocks due to the role of leverage, which highlighted the risk of the warrant market. For put warrants with an intrinsic value of almost zero, participating in them is bound to be a game of foolishness. We remind investors to fully understand the risks and participate cautiously. For warrants, due to leverage, there is often greater co directional volatility when the underlying stock fluctuates. Therefore, for a prudent investor, it is possible to gain excess returns by intervening in warrants when the market stabilizes. At this stage, investors should pay full attention to the risks involved.

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