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 Sina Finance

Discount warrants expand speculation opportunities

http://www.sina.com.cn 23:30, September 4, 2007 Beijing Morning Post

Last week, Steel Vanadium GFC1 was suspended for another week, Guodian JTB1 expire. Warrants with the largest increase in price Wuliang YGC1 The weekly increase was 3.24%, and Guodian JTB1, the largest decline, fell by 6.33%. The overall decline of warrants last week was 1.28%, and the overall increase of corresponding positive shares last week was 1.64%. Put warrants fell across the board last week, while China Southern Airlines fell 8.46% due to the creation. The four put warrants fell 4.15% overall last week, and the corresponding stocks rose 6.64% overall last week.

along with CMB CMP1 With the departure of Guodian JTB1, the trading volume of put warrants has shrunk. The total trading volume of warrants last week was 191.193 billion yuan, and the trading volume of call warrants rose to 33.21% from 31.74% of the previous week. If there is no big fluctuation in the market, it is expected that the speculative enthusiasm of put warrants will gradually weaken.

We believe that there will be some fluctuations at about 5000 points in A-share market, so we suggest investors to participate in the varieties with a large margin of safety, such as the high discount Wuliang YGC1, Maanshan Steel CWB1 and Qiaocheng HQC1. The decline of premium rate and turnover rate and the delisting of two warrants cooled the enthusiasm of the warrant market. However, if you are optimistic about the positive shares, it will have greater returns to participate in the warrants when the discount rate is high than to hold the positive shares.

Guotai Jun'an Zhang Han

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