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 Sina Finance

Warrant performance is in line with the standard Guodian JTB1 Shenzhen Development SFC1 is worth looking forward to

http://www.sina.com.cn 05:30, July 26, 2007 China Securities Journal

□ Our intern reporter Zhou Wenyuan

The Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges are about to strengthen their control over the risk of warrants, which has curbed the speculation of warrants to a certain extent. Yesterday, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets rose 113.64 points and 212.11 points respectively, while the performance of warrants was relatively flat, with the maximum increase of only 7.95% and the maximum decline of only 3.06%, which can be described as moderate. In addition, according to Wind's statistics, the transaction amount of warrants in the two markets yesterday was 46.38 billion yuan, 26.67% less than the previous trading day.

The positive shares rose sharply, and the warrants grew stronger along the trend. The 11 warrants traded on the market rose all the time. Guodian JTB1 SFC1 of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange rose 7.95% and 7.16% respectively, ranking the top two in terms of growth. At present, the premium rate of the two warrants is only 3.04% and 4.97%. Considering the market's continued positive expectations, the performance of the two warrants is still worth looking forward to.

Yesterday, put warrants almost fell across the board, except Valin JTP1 It rose slightly by 1.29%, while the other four declined, including CIMC ZYP1 The largest decline was 3.06%.

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