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 Sina Finance

The question of the name of warrant

http://www.sina.com.cn 02:40, July 23, 2007 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

Comrade Zhou Xiao:

I am a new investor in the market. Recently, the warrant market is very popular. I have made several warrant transactions with the mentality of trying. But every time I look at the name of the warrant, I am confused.

Excuse me, is the name of each warrant just a code? Or does it have a specific meaning?

Ms. Liu, Shanghai

Ms. Liu:

The names of each warrant actually have rich meanings, representing the general information of the warrant. As previously issued“ Baosteel JTB1 ”For example, the representative of "Baosteel" agreed that the underlying securities for future exercise are Baosteel "JT" represents that the issuer is issued by Baosteel Group ("JT" is the initial pinyin of "Group"); "B" means that the holder has the right to "buy" in the future, that is, the warrant is a call warrant. If the letter is "P", it means that the holder has the right to "sell" in the future, and the warrant is a put warrant; "1" means its first warrant. By combining the words, letters and numbers of "Baosteel JTB1", we can get a general idea of the warrant, that is, "the first Baosteel share warrant issued by Baosteel Group". Similarly, Valin JTP1 , which represents "the first one issued by Valin Group Hunan Valin Put Warrants ".

Therefore, "XYBbKs" in the warrant name, XY is the subject

negotiable securities The two Chinese abbreviations of; The two letters Bb are the issuer code; K represents the type of warrants, where the letters "C, B" represent the call warrants, and the letter "P" represents the put warrants; S refers to the issuance batch of warrants issued by the same issuer for the same underlying securities. In addition, we remind the warrant investors once again that the warrant trading has great risks, and we should be cautious when we conduct investment operations.

Trainee reporter Xu Rui

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