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 Sina Finance

The Shanghai Stock Index recovered its 60 day moving average, with slight drop in put and general increase in subscription

http://www.sina.com.cn 10:21, July 20, 2007 Panorama Network

Panorama, July 20 - Today, driven by financial stocks and real estate stocks, the stock market showed an overall upward pattern, and the Shanghai Index also broke the 60 day average. However, from the perspective of volume, the trading volume still failed to match the rise of the market, so it was reflected in the warrant market. Although the call warrants showed a pattern of general rise, the put warrants fell slightly across the board, However, the market operation mentality is still cautious.

Today, driven by the overseas Chinese town subscription and Sinochem subscription, the call warrants are generally in the red, but the increase is not large. The increase of the above two call warrants is 4.57% and 4.38% respectively, and the other call warrants fluctuate up and down with 2% as the central axis. At the same time, the put warrants showed signs of overall decline when the market recovered its 60 day average, but the decline was not large, Except for CIMC's put decline of 2.1%, other put warrants refused to adjust, and the decline was within 1%. (Panorama/Li Zhijin)

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