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 Sina Finance

The overall performance of warrant market is weak

http://www.sina.com.cn 08:40, July 19, 2007 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

⊙ Ping An Securities Zhang Junjie

On Wednesday, the overall performance of the warrant market was weak. From the transaction situation, the total transaction volume of warrants slightly decreased from Tuesday to 34.154 billion, accounting for 28.69% of the transaction volume of A-shares. Among them, the turnover of subscription certificates was 12.533 billion, 2.888 billion less than the previous trading day; The sales of put warrants reached 21.621 billion yuan, an increase of 2.045 billion yuan over the previous trading day.

In respect of subscription certificates, except Guodian JTB1 Suspension, Maanshan Steel CWB1 and Wuliang YGC1 Except for a slight increase, the rest of the subscription certificates are received in green. However, the decline of most subscription warrants was not significant, and the largest decline was SFC2 of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with a decline of only 3.29%. Yunhua CWB1, Shenzhen Fa SFC1 and Shenzhen Fa SFC2 subscription certificates closed in green when the positive shares rose. From the perspective of valuation, the premium rate of subscription certificates is still highly differentiated. The discount degree of Wuliang YGC1 and Qiaocheng HQC1 is more than 10%, while the premium rate of WISCO CWB1 and Yunhua CWB1 is more than 50%.

For put warrants, except Wuliang YGP1 Except for a slight increase of 1.66%, the rest fell to varying degrees. CMB CMP1 It fell 12.28%, the biggest drop in put securities. Due to the approaching maturity, CMB CMP1 fell by more than 10% for two consecutive trading days, showing the characteristics of accelerated decline. With the decline of CMB CMP1, its turnover rate has gradually increased in recent days, and there are obvious signs of capital outflow. In addition, affected by the trading limit of regular shares, China Southern JTP1 also fell 6.12% yesterday, second only to CMB CMP1.

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