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 Sina Finance

Stock plummet warrant leader

http://www.sina.com.cn 07:20, June 26, 2007 Sichuan Online - West China Metropolis Daily

Yesterday afternoon, the market suddenly dived again, turning people's good desire to rebound into water. Most of the players' shares fell, but Mr. Zhou's Hangxiao steel structure The trend is firm, but unfortunately he didn't catch it and left it in his hands Lansheng Shares But it suffered a drop limit. This kind of market is really too difficult to make stocks.

Yesterday, it was the world of warrants again. Put warrants rose sharply across the board. Among them, the newly listed China Southern Airlines put warrant rose by the ceiling, and other put warrants also rose significantly. This attracted some players. Only in the top 10 candidates, three people participated in the speculation of put warrants. Although their entry points were not selected well, their earnings were not high, but they were always better than holding

shares Suffer from falling limit.

Liu Gang

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