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The design and site selection of the ancient donkey hide gelatin production line have been completed

http://www.sina.com.cn 05:23, June 18, 2007 Panorama Network - Securities Times


   The traditional production process of Dong'e donkey hide gelatin is being declared as a national intangible cultural heritage

Trainee reporter Lu Qing

Recently, our reporter learned from the exhibition of intangible cultural heritage boutiques in Shandong Province that the traditional process of Dong'e donkey hide gelatin (000423), as one of the unique technologies in the production of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, has won the favor of visitors. In addition, the design scheme and site selection of the production line of Dong'e donkey hide gelatin ancient prescriptions have been completed by many experts organized by Dong'e donkey hide gelatin for one year.

It is reported that this production line will be built in the eastern suburb of Dong'e County. It will adopt the classic production method of gold pot and silver shovel, and let the surviving old rubber boiling workers lead their disciples. More than 50 processes will be manually operated according to the ancient method. The screening, water use, grass use and operation of each process of each donkey will be strictly standardized, numbered and registered. The whole production line takes more than a year to be completed and put into production. In addition to producing a small amount of excellent donkey hide gelatin, it is also for visitors to watch next door to show the culture and traditional skills of Dong'e donkey hide gelatin. The initiator of the project is Qin Yufeng, the eighth generation inheritor of Dong'e donkey hide gelatin.

It is reported that Qin Yufeng, the general manager of Dong'e donkey hide gelatin, has been engaged in donkey hide gelatin for more than 30 years. He has worked for many years in key processes such as boiling, cutting and airing. He is not only proficient in all aspects of the traditional production process of donkey hide gelatin, but also has participated in the company's previous equipment innovation and technical transformation. In recent years, it has proposed and participated in the establishment of donkey breeding base, the protection of donkey hide gelatin raw material resources, the improvement of China donkey hide gelatin museum, the exhibition tour of donkey hide gelatin museum in domestic and foreign urban communities, the establishment of donkey hide gelatin franchise stores, and the development of large quantities of donkey hide gelatin according to ancient experience

health products And a series of measures. Recently, it is also suggested that Dong'e Ejiao should collect Ejiao cultural relics and folk empirical prescriptions in major pharmacies and exclusive Ejiao stores across the country to enrich the connotation of Ejiao culture. Qin Yufeng has been recognized by the provincial government as the representative inheritor of the first batch of provincial intangible cultural heritage donkey hide gelatin project.

In addition, the traditional production process of Dong'e donkey hide gelatin has been included in the intangible cultural heritage project of Shandong Province, and is now actively applying for national intangible cultural heritage, which is highly appraised by relevant experts. Tian Sisheng, deputy director of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Literature of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and doctoral supervisor, said that donkey hide gelatin culture, as an intangible cultural heritage, is the most representative in traditional Chinese medicine and has great potential for excavation, protection and development.

"The reason why donkey hide gelatin was produced in Dong'e County, why donkey hide was used, and why it has survived for more than 2000 years, is by no means a natural formation, but the result of conscious invention and years of accumulation of ancestors." Tian Sisheng said, "In Dong'e County, there are Cao Zhi's Tomb and Yaowang Temple, where the whole stone sculptures of ten famous doctors, including the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Earth, the Emperor and Bian Que, Zhang Zhongjing, Hua Tuo, Sun Simiao, are enshrined. This is a major research topic in itself, which shows that the production of donkey hide gelatin is not isolated." Tian Sisheng also believes that donkey hide gelatin contains more than 2000 famous prescriptions in ancient Chinese medicine books, Donkey hide gelatin can best be made into a big cultural industry. It can deepen, deepen and specialize in the topics of health care, health care and rehabilitation. The Donkey hide gelatin industry will grow as large as it needs. "Dong'e donkey hide gelatin should give full play to its advantages, integrate the whole donkey hide gelatin industry in Shandong Province, and play a leading role in the industry," Tian Sisheng said.

Tian Sisheng also said that the donkey hide gelatin culture covers a large amount of contents such as traditional Chinese medicine, history, classical literature, philosophy, health care, and health care, and the traditional manufacturing process is only a part of the donkey hide gelatin culture. The traditional production process of Dong'e donkey hide gelatin has been listed as a provincial intangible cultural heritage list, and is currently applying for a national intangible cultural heritage. It is likely that the donkey hide gelatin culture will first be packaged into the world intangible cultural heritage list along with the traditional Chinese medicine culture.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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